Disney's Winnie the Pooh KIDS is a delightful show based on the beloved characters of A.A. Milne and the 2011 Disney animated feature film. Featuring favorite songs from the film, as well as new hits by the Academy Award-winning Robert and Kristen Lopez (Frozen), this honey-filled delight is as sweet as it is fun.
Performance Dates
Friday, March 2nd at 7pm
Saturday, March 3rd at 7pm
Sunday, March 4th at 1pm
Loma Prieta Forum
Tunuviel Luv
Assistant Director
Kyle Fox
Vocal Director
Lorna Kohler
Cast List
Christopher Robin - Carter Pruett
Winnie the Pooh - Bree Werdebaugh
Tigger - Blake Chrisman
Eeyore - Taylor Steinau
Kanga - Sophia Markert
Roo - Ben Mertens
Owl - Eva Storm
Piglet - Zeynep Akca
Rabbit - Jonah Biagini-Pennel
Narrators (Colors) - Sophia J, Ava J, Riley G, Riley V-Z, Stella, Kaylan, Kasen
Riley G: Red
Sophia J: Orange
Kaylan: Yellow
Riley Van-Z: Green
Kasan: Blue
Ava J: Violet Stella: Indigo
Bees - Declan, Jackson, Patrick, Lucy, Jasmine, Israel, Kiera, Li, Julian
Animals/Words - Kayla, Julia, Annabel, Avel, Quinn, Addy, Brendan, Stephanie, Hazel, Eva D, Olivia, Idan, Natalie, Cayden, Emily, Zach, Kenzie, Carter (other than when Christopher Robin)