Reminder: all actors must be OFF BOOK by December 16th!!!
Dear YAGMCB cast and families,
We are off to a great start! This week we just have a few reminders for you.
- Workshops: we need you!!!! This weekend our set building and costume teams need help! No experience is necessary, and our set building and costume crews are a lot of fun to work with. Once you have signed up on-line, we will provide you with all you need to know for the upcoming workshops.
- For set building, please sign up here: Set Building Sign ups!
- For costume workshops, please sign up here: Costume Workshop Signups
- Bios due December 16th! Each actor will have a biography in the program. Please have them enter their biography here: Click to enter Bios by December 16th!
- The Rehearsal Schedule can be found HERE
- Sign Up for Your Volunteer Hours by December 17th HERE
- Tickets on Sale starting 12/15 for cast families
- T-Shirt Orders forms coming Soon! We will have a short order period, and only one chance to order, so please be prepared to place your orders next week.
A HUGE thank you goes out to Jill Hansen and Ashley Testa for helping Laurie Hupman in transporting our set pieces from Hayward to the set barn tomorrow morning. We are looking for help to unload the pieces tomorrow afternoon. (Probabably between 1 and 2pm.) If you can help with this, please contact Laurie Hupman at 831-239-9861.