Please use this form to enter program input.  Every cast member will have a biography in the program. Please have your star take a moment to tell us about his or herself in three lines or less. It should be written in the third person and should be no more than 70 words. Here's an example of a biography from a previous Theatre in the Mountains show:

This is Ian’s fourth Theatre in the Mountains play but his first at CTE. As a pirate, he’s had to learn four dances that are sure to be swashbuckling good. Ian enjoys playing video games, hanging with friends and playing tether ball.

If you would also like to submit a special message for the program, you can do so at a cost of $10 per message.  This fee will help us offset the cost of printing the program.  

In addition to the biography, in order to plan for costumes it is essential that we gather accurate clothing sizes and heights for all our actors. You'll find that info below as well.

Thanks for your support!